๐Ÿ“งContact Us

Drop us a message!

Make sure to determine whether to contact the club or the Club Council to assist with your questions! See below to see who to contact for what.

Contacting Clubs

When it comes to membership or a question about a specific club, the most accurate responses can come from the club themself. If you want to join or ask about meeting times, this is your go-to source. Each club has an outreach officer listed on their individual page. Reach out to them via email (and sometimes phone) to get started.

If a club does not respond within 72 hours, the Council can assist you in getting in touch.

Contacting The Club Council

The Club Council is a new body operating under the umbrella and jurisdiction of ASB and Leadership. ASB does not answer club questions, so don't email them. The Club Council should be contacted for information about policies, multiple clubs, and if a club does not respond. The Club Council is also the governing authority overseeing club operations and officers, so they serve as a resource to them in providing assistance. They also operate the @foothill.clubs Instagram, the foothillclubs.com website, and the ClubHub platform.

As a general rule, if the club can't answer it, we can. We're happy to help! Our email is council@foothillclubs.com.

Last updated